2024 AdironDUCK Prize List
We are looking for 2025 sponsors.
Silver Duck Dash Winners
1st Place: $2,500 Sponsor : Purcell Construction Winner : Sean Lewis #205 2nd Place: Silver Belt Buckle Sponsor : The Silver Bench Winner : William Nohle #84 3rd Place National FFA Alumni Lifetime Membership Sponsor : New York FFA Alumni Winner : Denielle Romance #69 AdironDuck Race Winners 1st Prize: $2,000 Cash Sponsor : Farm Credit East, ACA Winner : The Lyman Family #4570 2nd Place: $1,000 Cash Sponsor : Oswegatchie FFA Alumni Winner : Eric Raymond #613 3rd Place: $500 Cash Sponsor: Lynn Waite Winner : Todd Ortlieb #4538 4th Place : $300 Cash Sponsor: Adirondack Valley Builders Winner : Kay Wolff #694 5th Place: $300 Cash Sponsors: South Lewis, Lowville, & Beaver River FFAs Winner : Ben Keeler #4607 6th Place: $300 Cash Sponsor: Good Ol’ Wishy’s & Good Ol' Spokes Winner : Rose Fort #3709 7th Place: $300 Wal-Mart Gift Card Sponsor: Alex Bay FFA Alumni Winner : Northern ADK FFA #2244 8th Place: $250 Cash Sponsor: Good Fudge Winner : CG May FFA #2532 9th Place: $200 Cash Sponsor: Sidney FFA Winner : Janice Ramos #3962 10th Place: $200 Cash Sponsor: Eager Beaver Tree Service Winner : Vicky Boliver #3608 11th Place: $200 Cash Sponsor: Tri-Valley FFA Winner : Marjorie Meister #1673 12th Place: $100 Cash Sponsor: In Memory of Dr. Walter Woods Winner : Katrina Hart #2549 Last Duck Prize : $500 Cash Sponsor: In Memory of Heidi Hirschey Winner : Mariann Vajus #2743 "The Last Duck Prize"
Every year dozens of ducks get stuck at the starting line and miss out on the top prizes, but not this year! At the end of the race, one duck will be plucked by a qualified volunteer, and deemed this year's "Last Duck", receiving $500! We continue this prize in honor of Heidi Hirschey who dedicated funds every year in honor of her father John and her uncle Bruce. |
We would like to thank our Past & Present Sponsors!
Farm Credit East Purcell Construction Adirondack Artisans Guild Adirondack Valley Builders Alex Bay FFA Alumni Beaver River FFA Black River Valley Naturals Buckingham Hardware & Great Outdoors Croghan Candy Kitchen Croghan Meat Market Eager Beaver Tree Service Good Ol’ Wishys Good Ol' Spokes Hoyt Collision Jeb's Restaurant Lowville FFA Lowville Producers Dairy Co-op & Cheese Store Lowville Town Hall Theatre Monnat's & Nortz Service Station NYS FFA Alumni Oswegatchie FFA Alumni The Van Slyke Family Shultz Family Cheese Silver Bench Jewlery South Lewis FFA Stockbridge Valley FFA Sweet Savory Foods, LLC. Tri–Valley FFA Tug Hill Estates Lynn Waite In Memory of Dr. Walter Woods In Memory of Heidi Hirschey Our biggest year ever was the 26th Adironduck Race,
In the year 2020 9,666 Yellow Ducks Raced 250 Silver Ducks Raced $61,030 raised with Duck sales $9,500 Prize Money Donated to Event $3,900 Prize Money Donated Back $24,487 Going to FFA Chapters in Duck Bucks $12,600 in Capital Campaign Donations All during the pandemic! |